With all of the provocative answers that Fr. Malachi Martin gave to the questions that I asked him, (detailed in the November '95 issue  of The Hammer), the  one that provoked the most controversy was his response, ÒI believe Medjugorje* is a Satanic hoax.Ó  I have had several readers write to me because they were upset  by  this  answer.  Not  only  this but they wished  further  explanation of why Fr. Malachi would say what he did.  I have, therefore, written to Fr. Martin asking him for a more detailed explanation of his position on the subject.  I am bothered by  the fact that no one seemed to be disturbed by his answers to the really important questions. Until we hear from Fr. Martin  I  will  give 3 reasons why the supposed ÒapparitionsÓ in Medjugorje should present grave problems to any informed Roman Catholic.


            *(For my readers who do not know  about  Medjugorje, it is a small village in             Bosnia/Herzegovina where  alleged apparitions  of  the Blessed Virgin Mary have been taking place to a group of young men and women  since 1981. 

There has been controversy because of different  events surrounding these alleged visions and sayings attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary.)


Let me begin by stating emphatically that as far as I am concerned authentic private revelations in and of themselves are merely interesting side notes to the really necessary issues concerning the Church.  The Roman Catholic Church contains the Fullness of  Faith and the  Fullness  of  Grace;  it needs nothing more than this.  Christ Our Lord has, at  various  times,  in  various places, to   a  very select  few,  revealed  Himself  or  has  allowed His Blessed Mother or the saints to  reveal themselves for the edification of certain individuals or to deliver a prophetic message such as at Fatima.  Nonetheless, these visions and revelations (even when belief in them is permitted and recommended by the Church) are not necessary to the Faith and should never be given more weight in the scheme of things than they deserve. It is, therefore, very important that belief or disbelief of purely private revelations  should never be a source of division or contention within the Catholic community.   We, as Roman Catholics, do not rest our faith upon anything but the revelation of Jesus Christ given to the Church and protected by the Church through the activity of the Holy Spirit. No mere private revelation should  cause  anyone  to reject or have disdain for any other Catholic. Whether they have  weighed  all  the  evidence or just have a predisposition that  inclines them to reject all alleged private revelations  out of hand - this is perfectly within the rights of  any Catholic.  No  Catholic is  required  to  believe  anything other than the official teachings of the Magisterium of the  Church nor should anyone be forced  or  coerced to  do  so.  It  is very important  that  we  as  loyal  Roman  Catholics should  have the same attitude of the Church in regards to private revelations. Every private revelation that has not been officially investigated by the Church should first be looked upon with grave suspicion by every Roman Catholic and should be assumed false before being proved true.  This is the wise attitude of the Church. Throughout history these things have occurred, and many if not the majority have been found to be less  than  genuine. The burden of  proof  always lies with the one claiming the revelation. If  an  investigation has been conducted our  attitude should be to follow the conclusions of that investigation. Stubborn clinging to a mere private revelation and resistance to legitimate Church authority, especially after a proper investigation with negative conclusions, is spiritually dangerous. To resist legitimate Church authority for something this unnecessary  to the Faith and to continue to promote it as if it were authentic borders on mortal sin.   


There  is an incident in the life of St. Theresa of Avila who was ÒplaguedÓ by private visions and revelations.  In discussing these things with her spiritual director  she was  commanded  under obedience that when ÒOur LordÓ appeared to her again she was to curse at the apparition  and give it  a profane gesture telling  it  to  go  to  hell.  St. Theresa obeyed her superior with complete obedience.  After having done  what  her  spiritual  director  had  commanded,  she looked at  the visage  of  Our Lord with embarrassment and apologized.  Our LordÕs reaction was significant.  He told her  she  did  exactly what she was supposed to do.  She was never to obey Him (Jesus) if doing so would go against the direct orders of her superiors. If  He wanted her to do a special task and they would not allow it she was to obey them first and  He would  eventually  open  their hearts to what He wanted so that  they  would  give  her permission to do what He had requested.  Notice, OBEDIENCE to her superiors was the necessary element not obedience to the vision. This, dear reader, has  always been the constant teaching of the Church. We do the will of God by obedience to our legitimate superiors.


When  I was studying philosophy and theology  at  Loyola University one  of  the  main  subjects upon which I  concentrated was mystical theology.  In fact, had I  gone for a doctorate in theology it would have been within this field of study.  Therefore, whenever there are reports of visions, locutions,  stigmata and the like I am always interested in discovering their  veracity and  authenticity.  I would  consider myself well  informed  on  this  subject. Because of  this  interest I have followed the events  in  Medjugorje  since they began in 1981. These  apparitions were taking place full force while I lived in Rome  studying theology. I  had  several  opportunities  to  go  and  visit  Medjugorje. I  opted  to  stay  in Rome.  I had heard too many things  which disturbed  me  about  these ÒapparitionsÓ and began to have very severe doubts even back then in the early 80Õs.


4 Investigations


There have been 4 official investigations by the Church, 3 of which were official Commissions set up  to investigate  the  alleged  apparitions  and claims of supernatural  events  at  Medjugorje. The first  was  set  up  and  completed by Bishop  Pavao Zanic who was the bishop of the diocese in which  the village of Medjugorje is found.  The findings of this bishop and his commission were both negative in regards to the events at Medjugorje. His commission found that the events  at  Medjugorje were not  from God.  He  discovered  that  during  his  personal investigation,  4 of the ÒvisionariesÓ had boldfacedly lied to him and to others many times.  Subsequent to his negative findings he has been accused of being a Communist sympathizer, at best, by those who wish to believe the ÒvisionariesÓ.  This is patently untrue.  Bishop Zanic himself has suffered at the hands of the Communists. He would have suffered  again at  their hands but not for the sake of what  he  considered  a  sham.  The  Franciscan  priests  in the parish  at  Medjugorje were  very hostile to their legitimate superior, defying him at every turn.  One  of  these  priests  has  subsequently  left the priesthood and has had a child from an ex-Nun. I  wonder  if anyone   has ever  considered the possibility that  these  priests  could  have  actually been   Communist  plants.  There  was  never  a persecution of the children by the Communists.  Notice how the Communists basically  left  Medjugorje  alone.  Why  shouldnÕt  they?  They have  made   a mint  in  revenues  from  all  the  tourists.   Medjugorje  was  quite  a  lucrative  deal  for  the  government  before the war  since  all   tourist  money went  into  government coffers.


Because the visionaries, parish  priests  and  the  people continued to refuse to obey their legitimate superior, 2 more commissions were established - one by the Yugoslavian National Conference of Catholic Bishops and another  by the Vatican. Both  commissions  found  no evidence of  the supernatural involved in the  alleged apparitions  despite  the  fact  that  they  had years and years  of  gathered  facts and supposed evidence. The Croatian bishops and the Vatican  came to the same conclusion as bishop Zanic. Ò...It cannot be affirmed that supernatural apparitions  and  revelations   are occurring there.Ó   In Fatima the commission that was  established  to  investigate  the apparitions gave  a positive  affirmation  of their authenticity  and  they  only  had the evidence of 6 brief apparitions to investigate.  Yet with nearly 10 years of "evidence"  neither the Conference of Bishops nor the Vatican could come up with enough evidence to   affirm the claims of  the "visionaries" at Medjugorje. Nor  could they  confirm  that  any  real  miracles  of claimed healings had taken place  according to the strict  guidelines  of the Church.  Nonetheless, even  after these negative results  the ÒvisionariesÓ, parish priests  and people continue to  disobey their superiors.


This  lack  of  obedience is my primary  objection to the  Medjugorje phenomenon.  We have enough of that among those  who  claim  to be Catholic  but  have  denied essentials of the Faith.  Now the objection I  get from the MedjugoritesÓ to these commissions  is  that  Lourdes  and Fatima had Church opposition also but both were finally confirmed to be authentic.  HereÕs the difference: When  commissions  were set up to investigate the events associated with Lourdes and Fatima they both ended with the same results  which  positively  affirmed their authenticity.   They didnÕt have commissions condemn the apparitions and then new ones affirm them.  The fact that the Medjugorje events  have  had  three commissions  and a total of 4 investigations with no positive results should be more than enough for  any loyal  Roman Catholic  to  reject  these alleged  apparitions out of hand.  Where  is the sense of obedience among the adherents of the Medjugorje phenomenon?  In fact, disobedience  has  been  the  constant  undercurrent from the very beginning of these events. The father of disobedience must be very proud of his accomplishment.


"Even if an Angel of Light..."


According to the "visionaries" of Medjugorje the Blessed Virgin Mary has made several  statements  that   are basically heretical. I will choose  only one which has been repeated many times  and  in  many  different  ways.  It   is  reported by the visionaries that   "Our Lady" said  :" All  religions  are  equal before God."   This, dear reader,  is heresy, pure and simple.

"Not without sorrow we have learned that another error, no less destructive, has taken possession of some parts of the Catholic world, and has taken up its abode in the souls of many Catholics who think that one should have good hope of the eternal salvation of all those who have never lived in the true Church of Christ.

...as is Our Apostolic duty, we wish your episcopal solicitude and vigilance to be aroused, so that you will strive as much as you can to drive from the minds of men that impious and equally fatal opinion, namely, that the way of eternal salvation can be found in any religion whatsoever.

For, it must be held by faith (de fide) that outside the Apostolic Roman

            Church, no one can be saved; that this is the only ark of salvation; that he who shall not have entered therein will perish in the flood...."

(Pius IX, "Singulari quadem" D1646-1647)


Since, therefore, the real Blessed Virgin would never commit such a heresy this  is  one  of three things: It  is a hoax perpetrated by the "visionaries" in collusion with the parish priests, or  it  is  a hoax perpetrated by Satan, the father of lies, or finally,  it  is  a  mass  hallucination  with the suggestionable minds of the weak being influenced to  see and believe things that  are not really there. Whatever the case, the bottom line  is  that  the Mother of  God  cannot   and  would  never  proclaim anything contrary to the Faith.  Because of this fact, priests and theologians who have swallowed the Medjugorje bait hook, line and sinker have scrambled to performed  Olympian  feats  of mental gymnastics to try to explain away this blatant statement  of  heresy  as if it came from the mouth of the Blessed Virgin but she really didn't understand what she was saying via the way the rest of  the  world  would  look  at  it. How pathetic!  These priests and "theologians" when hearing this statement, should have instantaneously proclaimed the whole thing a fraud but they've been bamboozled like all the rest of those poor deluded people that hunger  for the supernatural  in  a  Church  that  the modernists have  so secularized  and stripped of the supernatural that  they  will  run  after anything that  gives them a sense of  what  they  haven't  been given through the Modernist religion. The fact is that no matter how these theologians  attempt to explain this  statement  to  make  it  sound  orthodox,  they  can't.   Does  anyone  think  for  a minute that the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church would ever make a statement  about the Faith that would be confusing and cause consternation to those who know the dogmas  of  the Faith? Please, let's be real!


To  promote  and  believe in a mere private revelation after such damning evidence is  beyond  my  comprehension.  Let's face it.  It's just not worth the trouble. As  orthodox Roman Catholics, we have much more important matters with which to concern ourselves, such as the Modernist destruction of the Faith.  What  a perfect  triumph  Satan has in dividing those who are truly faithful over such a minor  matter, and that  is exactly what he has done. If nothing else the division this  insignificant   phenomena has  created  is  enough to reject it if not to completely ignore it.


She goes on and on and on...


Now there  are about a hundred more reasons that I could go into about the Medjugorje  phenomenon  and  why I believe it is dangerous. However, I would like to  concentrate on one last reason that  indicates  the supposed "apparitions" are not authentic.


When  God  became  man in order to reveal to us who He was,  He first spent 30 years  in silence.  When  He  was  finally ready to  complete His   mission he went about teaching and performing miracles  for  a  short  3  years.  If  you take the longest  of  the  gospels (St. Luke's)  it   is  only  approximately 33 pages in length. 80% of  the gospel is narrative about the events surrounding the life of  Christ.  Only 20% contains the words  that  came forth from the mouth of God.  There are  3 most famous approved  apparitions of the Blessed Virgin. When Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego she came to ask for a chapel to be built in her honor so that God could use her intercession for the Mexican people in this special place.  This took 4 apparitions and approximately 700 words.  Then came the dramatic proof required by the bishop. When Our Lady appeared to Bernadette at Lourdes there were 18 apparitions.  She  did not speak until the 3rd one. In all she spoke less than 100 words.  She gave proof before the end of the visions that she had appeared  to  Bernadette  by bringing forth from her hands the miraculous  spring.  In Fatima the Blessed Mother appeared only 6 times. She spoke approximately 850 words.  She proved her  presence  by  the  spectacular miracle of the sun. Each of the above authentic apparitions spoke only as a Catholic would, reiterating Catholic dogma.


Now contrast these authentic visions with the supposed apparitions at Medjugorje.  To date there have been approximately  5295 reported apparitions with volumes of reported messages and still there  is  no  end in sight. This "vision" speaks  of such mundane subjects  as the fashions the young "visionaries" wear.  Just  think,  according  to  what the "visionaries"  have reported, "Our Lady" has decided  to outdo her Son in  quantity if not  in  quality. If you took all the recorded words that Our Lord ever spoke you couldn't even come close to what "His Mother" has supposedly spoken in the nearly 15 years she's  been continuously  repeating herself  ad  nauseam.  And still there is no proof.


God's modus  operandi  is brevity. He says  what  needs to be said and leaves it at that.  Mary has  demonstrated this same trait  in her authentic apparitions, and when  opposed by the legitimate superiors of the visionaries she has always, almost immediately, provided the proof they have required.  None of these things are present  in  the  alleged "apparitions" of Medjugorje. If  there  is one fruit which seems  to have come from this phenomena  at Medjugorje it is disobedience.